Despite the incredibly low odds, Holly Whitmore was diagnosed with breast cancer at just 39 years old. Doctors revealed that she had less than a .005% chance of being diagnosed as she had no family history and tested negative for the BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes. Had Holly waited to have her first mammogram at 40, it’s likely her ductal carcinoma in situ breast cancer would’ve progressed significantly.
Holly underwent a double mastectomy shortly after receiving the diagnosis. Because she caught her tumor in its earliest stage, she was able to avoid chemotherapy and radiation. However, her double mastectomy led to a challenging physical recovery. With limited mobility, Holly discovered a newfound gratitude and positivity for life. Simply put, she’s grateful for what she has, and she’s proud of the person she’s become.
“I’m a breast cancer survivor, but…I’m more than that…I’m a mom, I’m a wife, I’m a business owner, I’m a yogi, and I’m a breast cancer survivor,” Holly stated. “Survivor” is the final piece of who Holly is as a person. Holly does not dwell on the past, nor does she allow her diagnosis to dictate her future.